Leave a Gift in your Will

Thank you for considering leaving a Gift in your Will. You have the opportunity to create a legacy and be a part of The Royal Children’s Hospital’s (RCH) lifesaving work. The RCH provides world leading care to sick infants, children and young people across Australia and overseas. Your extraordinary gift will ensure a brighter future for sick children.

After providing for your loved ones in your Will, you have the opportunity to consider the causes and organisations that have special meaning to you and ask yourself: what would I like my legacy to be?

Deciding to make a Gift in your Will to the RCH Foundation is an important decision. We are here to help and can:

  • confidentially discuss your ideas on planning a Gift in your Will
  • arrange a visit to find out more about the hospital’s work
  • honour your legacy now and into the future

We would also love you to let us know if you have already included the RCH Foundation in your Will, or are considering doing so. By informing us of your gift, we can discuss the impact of your generosity and thank you for your support during your lifetime.

Click here to download suggested legal wording for including a Gift in your Will to the RCH Foundation.

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Write your Will with Safewill 

Choosing to leave a Gift in your Will is an incredibly personal and important decision, and a great opportunity to think about the legacy you would like to leave behind to ensure that your compassion and values live on.

When you leave a Gift in your Will to the RCH Foundation, 100 per cent of your Gift supports life-changing care across the hospital.

The first week of September is Include a Charity Week, which aims to encourage more people to consider leaving a legacy for a charitable cause they care deeply about.

As part of Include a Charity Week, the RCH Foundation is offering our community the chance to write their Will for free with Safewill, a leading online Will writing service. This special offer is valid throughout September.

All Wills written with Safewill are validated and reviewed by their team of solicitors. The RCH Foundation still encourages you to consult with your own Solicitor.

Find out more at the Safewill website.


Request your free Gift in Will brochure

To receive a copy of our Gift in Will brochure, please fill out your details in the form below.

Contact us

For further information or to speak to us about your intentions, please contact us:

Kathryn Sell 
Philanthropy Lead, Planned Giving

Level 2, 48 Flemington Road
Parkville VIC 3052
03 9345 5539
[email protected]